Our Approach
Creating Change Through Collaboration
The Weitz Family Foundation uses multiple tools to create change through collaboration with our partners. We want to be more than just the money–we strive to support the development of community leaders and front-line workers through education, advocacy, leadership development, and power sharing in addition to grant-making. People who choose to dedicate their lives to better our society are our heroes. Nurturing these folks’ development and creating opportunities for growth is extremely important to us.
Amplifying the Good Work of Others
We certainly do not know all of the answers and welcome suggestions about ways we can amplify the good work of others. If there are workshops, programs, classes, speakers, or policy makers that could improve how we work together, we aim to recruit, deploy, and partner to transform these ideas into reality. Let us know what you need by way of technical assistance, community conversation, legislation, or regulatory initiatives. We love to support backbone organizations and even public-private partnerships that provide these services to other nonprofits.
A large group of people are seated at U-shaped tables and are facing the presenter at the front of the room. There are large white pieces of paper affixed to the green chalkboard with handwritten community meeting notes.
Exploring Innovative Strategies
Oftentimes, we can find common ground by simply making introductions. The Weitz Family Foundation is open to hosting forums to bring stakeholders together to learn about topics we are working on or exploring. Omaha is a small enough place that anything can happen here–innovative thinking and creative strategies can be explored, evaluated, and implemented. Research allows us to learn from other communities and understand how we can bring best practices home.
We are confident that together, we can and will achieve greater equity, justice, and peace for our communities.
We engage in public discourse and amplify the voices of others. Connecting community-based organizations to resources that can positively impact their clients and processes is essential.
Our foundation encourages holistic leadership. We emphasize creating space for lived experiences and growth that allows us all to thrive.

The person in focus is seated at a table and taking notes with other people on either side of them at the same table out of focus.
Investing in opportunities for life-long learning is important to us. We aim to offer our partners ways they can learn new skills to advance professionally and personally.
As a foundation, our main tool for leveraging change is through grant funding. Browse our current and former grantees through a historical database to learn more about our impact.
Power Sharing
Our practice is centered on trust and connections. We listen to those closest to the issues.